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I originally planned to have version available by the end of August, and I have been reluctant to post about it in favor of getting it done.  (Also, it forces me to admit that I am late!)

Unfortunately I am still not done.  I underestimated the number of problems I would run in to, and how long it would take to fix them.  I will post about some of the issues I found and how I solved them in a later post.  This post is to provide some information on where I am, and what you can expect in the new version. 

I have finished the coding of the application and have fixed all known outstanding bugs.  I am now wrapping the application into a setup package which is proving to be a little more complicated that the previous versions.  This edition has some additional files that need to be deployed as part of my wrapper technology.

To recap, this version supports the ability to simply drag your file (any windows file – PDF, Word, Excel, EXE) onto my app, select a few customizations, and the app will generate a wrapper around your file.  My wrapper will handle the license key validation, so you need write no code!

Here it is in action:

4 steps to license key wrapping

4 steps to license key wrapping

Customizing the wrapper

Customizing the wrapper

The sample above takes a PDF document, wraps it with Serial Key Maker logic, and then produces an executeable (“How to Win at Amazon.exe”).  You then distribute this executeable to your paying customers, and provide them with a license key.  You do not need to write any code!

When they launch your application, the wrapper checks that they have a valid license, and if they do, opens the document.

User is presented with a screen to enter license key

User is presented with a screen to enter license key


I am very excited about this new feature.  I have had a lot of requests from people to implement this functionality, and I can’t wait to get it out there.

In addition to this change, I am revamping the Serial Key Maker web site.  It has a new look and I am going to add a message board so I can share answers with all users, and get more feedback on how to improve the product.

Here is a screenshot of what the front page will look like:

Click to see full

Click to see full

I am working furiously to get all this done…I’ll get it out as soon as I can, but I won’t release until I am confident it is good, so I don’t want to promise any more dates.

I’ll post here as soon as the new version is available.

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